Current Volunteer Opportunities


Research indicates that if a student has consistent, positive adult contact, improvement is noted in many areas of development, including student achievement, self-esteem, motivation, and behavioral choices.


We hope to recruit as many volunteers to mentor from the community and district as possible. Mentoring is an opportunity of a lifetime as the efforts put forth now will contribute to the wellbeing of students as they develop into responsible adults.

Successful Mentor Qualities

Although mentors serve in many different capacities, there are basic qualities associated with a successful mentor: a sincere desire to be involved with a young person, respect for young people, flexibility, active listening, consistency, and empathy.

For detailed information on how to become a mentor, please call 770-761 1449 or visit:


Pine Street Elementary Outdoor Classroom

Pine Street Elementary has an on-going need for volunteers to help maintain their outdoor classroom.  Please contact Principal Kim Vier at: